
Showing posts from February, 2005


i had a dream the other night about my college crush...that i ran into him somewhere and we talked, laughed and then i left...i turned to go into this huge elevator in this huge hotel i guess...and on this elevator were two attractive guys...and i am looking at them thinking i know them...and it hits me its the lead singer from i walk over and am like you're Rooney aren't you? and they laugh and say well i am the lead singer for Rooney but my name is Robert...and then we laughed and talked...and i asked for a picture with them...then apparently i reach my floor and i leave them in the elevator room like thing...and i wake up So could a dream analysist tell me what that one means!!!

Jimmy Eat World!

So i was one of the lucky few who had purchased tickets to see jimmy eat world back in jan...the drummers wife got really sick and they cancelled....and last night they played their make up show...let me tell you how wonderful it was!!! I thought that Jimmy would be good b/c i enjoy their music and i have never really heard any negative feedback from true fans about their i was really excited to go...i had purchased the tix for me and a friend to go but as life goes things change and he was unable to i gave the ticket that night i was way excited and sad for him to not be there so i called him during one of my faves so he could hear it...but he said it was too is messy isn't it...there are just a few songs that help us thru...they enhance or illuminate our many songs have gotten me through so many different situations....some sad...some angry...some joy...some crazy....some encourage me to be who i am and like it....and jimmy...

bowling for soup...mmmm good!

today i spent the afternoon bowling with our middle school students...cosmic bowling! you know when you bowl in the dark and they have black lights and crazy lights spinning all was fun! sometimes my life feels like that..its kind of dark...some crazy lights direct distract and deflect your aim to the pins...the pins representing anything in your life/day that you are trying to attain! confusion sets in and you hope that the swing in your arm puts it in the right direction! it was 80 degrees today in Tx...ITS FEBRUARY...its supposed to be cold...i don't like it...oh well such is life! soup warms the soul...heat up a bowl for me! :)

Jack my Love! :)

Hey fellow bloggers!! i hope you are having a wonderful thursday!! Yesterday was a great day...planning for the evening service talking to our students about Sex...we split them up girls and went really well...i hope the students got a lot out of it you know..b/c everyone tells them something different and every church screams to not do sex b/c its bad but we want them to understand it is a good thing in the right context...marriage! Jack Johnson has a new song and video out on should check it out!!


Hola fellow americans!! Today the sun is out bright and big...the wind is gently blowing...and the temperature is up for now. In Texas we have a breif showing of spring weather in Feb. it is fun! it is the type of weather where you can wear anything you want from jeans to shorts from layers to tshirt...its great! and a nice change you know...the beauty of it is God is in control and creatively designing each day to be different. His beauty is beyond words or description! for that i am thankful thankful that he has so much creativity beyond my understanding...there is beauty even in the cold even if we don' t especially like it you know! :) Thankful would describe my emotion for the day!


i am sick...and its V-day...bummer! need some chicken soup...fireplace and a movie...hopefully some of those i can get...but for now i am at work tidying things for the week and hopefully going home soon :) Happy V-day to all you love birds!! :)

Road Trip

so thursday my work buddies and i head out to ETBU to check out the campus and have a small meeting for our summer camp in july...3 hours there...lunch at a campus cafeteria...was pretty good...meeting, tour, more meeting...then 3 hours by the time we hit Dallas we are in traffic...well we get closer and closer to home and we have cabin we proceed to make the drive more honking the horn randomly and yelling at was quite a sight...i am sure we were the most obnoxious thing on the road that least it made the stop and go a little more funny! but the most embarrassing thing that happened was we were at a stop light and these crochrockets pull up behind us...and i look at them and comment that they are cool... its about 5 or 6 guys...and so at the next light my driver buddy decides to stop just so that the bikes are next to us...he rolls down the window as if i were going to talk to them...and i just fall over on my side to hide...and my...

blog or xanga...

ok so one of my 7th grade girls set me up a xanga site...oh do i love it...yet i feel as though i am cheating on little blogger here...what shall i do...xanga is so fun with all its options and cute designs...yet blog is so simple and easy to use its like which do i i think for now i shall try to do both...don't know if that will burn me out or overload my thinking but i shall if you want to check both as well here is my xanga that doesn't work i am not sure what does...i am still new to this thing!! Hope you are having a good day in this world and cyber world!! :)

the wedding date

i saw the movie "the wedding date" this was really cute...kind of funny and actually caused me to want to hire an escort for the next wedding i have to go to...except i wont! There was more to it than just a cheezy love story that you wonder if its love or lust...and in the end you go home feeling fuzzy i would go see it...i cried a little so if you are very sentimental bring some tissues...if not you will be fine! enjoy!
Danny Kass  

winter x games

WINTER X GAMES 9!!! Antti Autti did a good job...but i luved Andy Finch's last run!! the air he got and the speed i mean for real!!! but my heart will always love Danny Kass!!! He seems like so fun and crazy to hang with! His cute little girlfriend was there watching it was sweet...i was thinking...i want to be there watching my boyfriend...needless to say it was a good night and i enjoyed the show! poor shaun white got kicked out after a good run...but i mean really Finch was GREAT!!! GOOD SHOW BOYS!!! oh and if you want to watch a funny video go to :has danny's aspen? videos