
Showing posts from April, 2005

rainy days and mondays...

...always get me down! Today was a very rainy serious tstorms! it was great...i was loving it..this morning in our prayer meeting the rain just picked up and was like pouring was reminds me of fun puddle jumping when i was younger you i guess that song would not apply to me...rainy days don't get me down...but mondays about you?


cool water penguin  saw this picture and that it was very pretty...the water looks so inviting and the penguins looks ready to go! Don't have much else to say has been a good day...the air in my building is blowin full blast at my desk and i am not liking it one bit! hopefully someone will cut it off soon! Watched the amazing race last night with my was an amazing show it really was...the greatest part was to pass everyone in the race this one couple took the fast forward and got first b/c of it...the task was they had to shave their heads!!! b/c they were in india and all the temple, budhism stuff you know...the lady was beautiful with a shaved head...she cried...i would have too man! but i also would have done have gotten that far and not do it would be unspeakable! her husband was very sweet to her and just praised and loved on her the whole was quite precious.

weak end

hello bloggers! its sunday the day of rest...not for me...its like i get so excited when thursday comes around b/c friday is my day i either do absolutely nothing or jam it pack with errands that i don't get to do...then saturday comes and i want to play...every other one i work for like a couple hours then sunday comes and its like i am tired and weaker than before the week started...all that to say its weekends no longer seem to be deciferable from the rest of the week...and i feel weak when monday this normal?

seriously wrong

do you remember when you were younger and you had birthday parties...they were slumber parties you the most fun you could ever have as a human being...and when its all over and the last friend leaves you feel like something is seriously wrong...that the world has ended and your stomach is about to cave in and you want to burst into i the only one who has experienced this? That is also how i feel when my bf hang out...its a great time and then he's gone...i mean he is down the street or in the next town but still its like oh my i am going to cry...something is seriously wrong with me! :) i am not psyco...i promise.

are you sick?

saw that movie...Fever Pitch!!! soo cute, very funny...i luv how the guy is like trying to explain his obsession and the girl is like i totally think its cool i am not a clingy girl...little did she know it was a true obsession! who doesn't have an obsession? when i think of people and things we like...some would say i have an obsession with surfing and everything to do with the beach...i purchase books, magazines, stickers, movies, clothes...all that have something to do with surfing or the i guess the important thing is if it rules your life and makes you sick to the do you tell if you are sick or you gage it on your friends who also have obsession for something....or do we just work together and respect each others fevers? wouldn't that make the most sense?? i remember when you and me how we used to be just good friends...wouldn't give me none...when all i wanted was some ~j johnson


Well the heels have done it!!! so stoked am was agreat game too...ill played well and tried to take over but couldn't b/c UNC rocks the basketball world! hahahahahaha I am very happy to say i am a fan....they have done very well...and leading the whole second half as they did was just super! so i hope you too enjoyed the game and stopped to cheer the heels on...if not you should be ashamed of yourself..haha

if the shoe fits!

i luv feet! Something you may or maynot know about me is that i luv feet...i luv taking pics of feet...under the part of the scenery...i luv them...and i guess it b/c i was blessed with decent feet...not to be boastful...but i am not ashamed of mine...make time three of my good friends from college and i took a very special picture with our feet see our pastor during college and his wife went and graduated from SWBTS where i just graduated...and all four of us were at SWBTS for like a year and a half together...i came first then one then the other two...but that aside...our pastor and his wife had purchased a brick that went in this new building on we took a picture of all our our, amy, her hubby matt, monica, her hubby rob, and alison with her hubby and two twin is probably the cutes picture of feet i have ever seen and now it sits on our pastors dresser back in good ol farmville va! every feet has a st...