
Showing posts from July, 2005


I am getting the travel bug again...and thankfully i get to fly back home to Va for a short week...for a wedding and then to the BEACH!!! stoked am i! i was talking with a friend this morning about how if i had the money i would travel like every 2 months somewhere exciting...go to london again you know...but she made the comment yea but would that get old too...b/c we were talking about reading and how we go in spurtz with reading and that its either hot or cold with do we do that with everything in life...i bet if we even think about our jobs we like them for like 2 weeks...then are annoyed by it for about 2 and then begin to like it it that we are always looking for something new? or have ADD...or just are bored...all i know is that i would definitely travel more...i need to mangage money better to do that eh?


So i rented Constantine...and i luved it!! i was liked the cinematography, music and Keanu's character...but of course afterwards my mind was spinning with what does the spiritual realm really look like...i mean God being good, perfect and all things in His presence are that...than to be away from Him is the i know that the devil and his demons were angles at one time and beautiful...but i wonder upon leaving heaven if they began to be tortured and really look like we depict them...gross, and scary...or if they are the same and upon the end times when thrown in the fire then they deteriorate the movie i found one part interesting and convicted all at once...after angela went to hell to see what her sister saw she says "all those people" ...that is the first thing she said...the sight of hell that remained with her was all the people being tormented...somany! I like movies like this (Matrix, Van Helseng, Dogma and Devil's Advocate:don't r...

back to normal

so its been a good week...i am back at work and things are normal more camps or mission trips...just planning for the fall...its been fun b/c we have been dreaming big...trying to do events and series that are new and exciting...with three minds brainstorming together its been fun and only concern is my ear...b/c it is still filled with fluid and hurts every now and again...i need that to be back to to the doctors i go again...and i was discussing this with my go or not to go...b/c it will cost again...and i wonder if there will be any wisdom to come out of it but i have the 'what if' syndrone for not going...what if i didn't go and i fly next week and my ear burst! i mean seriously who wants their ear to burst! haha I would like to see a really good movie this weekend...but i don't know if there is one out...anyway hope you have a good kind to your web footed friends, and don't feed the bears!!

Neko My Pimp

The Pimp of the apartment  My roommate says that neko is the pimp of our apartment...he gets loving all the time from both of us and owns the i took this pic of him asleep on his throne...thought i would share!


ok so you know how i said i was not feeling well...after a week of crap i finally went to the doctor...which i really did not want to because the last time i went he looked at me said "you know there is nothing i can do for you, you have a virus and you just need to take advil and wait it out" then gave me some sample stuff that tasted like grapes it probably was i got frustrated...well this time the PA saw me and she tested my ears and found a ear infection, listened to my chest and told me i had broncitus....and the said you also have sinucitus...YUCK! So now i am two days into the meds and my ears are clogged even more and i can't stop blowing my thanks for reading this and listening to my rant! i hope it all goes away! Hopefully you are not sick and enjoying life wherever you are! :)


So i don't like to think of myself as a snob...but i know i am a coffee snob...i don't really drink that much but i will only 'like' it if it is from one place...and thankfully my friends like it too! It is the perfect place if you think about it you can sit forever there laughin, talkin or playing cards with friends...drink lots of good expensive hot liquid...and waste the day away on the internet with the wireless connection...i luv it!!! Hope you too get to enjoy the bucks experience...if you want to go i will meet ya!!
Heather and me at our favorate meeting spot!!! Starbucks!!! 
me and two teens with our friends...:) they were sooo sweet! 
Here i am next to a cute staute by the lake in Hanoi...i don't know what kind of posture you call that....but its silly! :) 


So this summer has finally slowed down a bit for me...i was able to travel to vietnam for 2 weeks, go to camp with the students and at the end of this month i head back east!!! too short but it will do! My body is totally exhausted and i have been sick the past few days...but i am getting better i hope! This summer has taught me lots even when i did not think i was being taught...i am excited things are winding down and life can for a little be seem normal! i am going to post some pics from my trips next! hope you enjoy them!