
Showing posts from September, 2011

One of our favorite shows

So i am not sure if you have heard of this show or not. Supposedly its making lots of noise and people love it, Son's of Guns. We stumbled across this show last summer i believe and liked instantly. Its on the discovery channel, which i must confess i never watch but Kimmel does. If you haven't caught it yet you should at least try it once! It is a reality show about Will the owner of a gun shop, his daughter Stephanie runs the office part and 5-6 other guys work on the guns. They live in Louisiana and are just fun to watch. Last season i told Kimmel that Chris totally liked Stephanie, and that came out this season! I don't think he believed me when i said it :) haha women's intuition! Its incredible what they make. Their interactions are crazy too. I believe they are now turning the show into an hour long i guess you need to get on the band wagon cause they are red hot! 

sweet songs of heritage

I was rocking my niece (who i watch monday thru thursday) to sleep for a nap the other day and i started singing this really old song. I am not sure where it gets categorized but maybe spiritual song. It made me think back to my wee little bit times and i thought i would share. Praise him, praise him. Praise him in the morning, praise him in the noon day. Praise him, praise him. praise him til the sun goes down. On sunday at our Cell Group (small group for non northwoodians) we were praying and waiting on the Lord to speak and share a song for us to sing and Kimmel kept hearing the song his grandmother sang to him when he was little...but honestly i dont' remember it at all....all i remember is " Yes Lord Yes. I will listen and obey. " or something...its not my family that sung that one. It just brought to my mind the fact that we have some amazing parents that poured truth and love into our hearts early and after all these years they still stick. We can hear the so...

Record Summer

This past summer if you didn't know has been record breaking heat. Literally! Texas has never had this many days over 100 in a summer before. I think we beat it by one day but still it broke the record! We almost one the most 100 degree days in a row but missed it by tying it i believe. During this time Kimmel and i were a bit worried about our electricity bill. I mean we kept it 80 degrees in the house, thankfully our house flows nice so it didn't feel horrible. But i mean it really was 20 plus degrees cooler than out side so i think it was just great! We went thru the whole summer never going over $200 for our bill!! We are so thankful! As you know he was with out a job for a bit and so we are budget budge people :) After our A/C dying and thankfully getting fixed the next day for a pretty penny, we worked hard to stay on top of our A/C controls.  We had some friends that had trouble with their A/C for over a month! They were troupers! Here's to a record breaking, n...

Macgyver Kimmel

This is a picture of my Dad's old fishing tackle box. When i purchased my townhouse mom let me take all dad's tools and stuff that she didn't need or want. So being the sentimental person i am i took his fishing rods and tackle box even though i don't fish. (my dad passed away when i was in 6th grade) Little did he or I know that this box would come in handy for our toilet. The other morning Kimmel told me that our toilet 'thingy' had broken and we will need to get another one. So after the busy sunday we forgot to stop off and get the part. So My Macgyver Husband pulls out the tackle box and says i think i can fix it temporarily. So he grabbed some hooks and something else and headed to the bathroom. He smiles and says "at least these were made for water." I love my handy hubby! He is creative too! Its fun to be around him and see what he does next :)

Simple Joy

The word FAIR is something we like to use when things aren't going our way -not fair- or when we are making something to go our way and we say -its only fair-. Not really sure if fair is ever something God wanted for us, cause he never said life would be simple and fair for us.  So after me and this other lady were going to the check out of the DR office, i kind of walked a lil faster so i could check out first. As the nurse  was doing so i started to feel selfish and kind of rude...i mean i didn't push her or anyone else out the way i just made eye contact with the nurse first, its only fair i check out. But as we scheduled the next one, and i paid, she asked the lady for her stuff and she had nothing to schedule or pay so all she had to do was sign it and she could leave. I am glad the nurse did that. As i processed what was happening i thought I should have offered for her to go first, not because she didn't take long but just cause for JOY.  I remember a long time a...

Lil Peace

I am proud to announce my Mother-in-Law and sister-in-law's new family business! Lil Peace! They have just gone live on ETSY so check them out.  It is a business of homemade baby blankets, burp cloths, loveys, and cloth wipes. You can personalize the blankets and the burp cloths! Making great gifts for friends and family. They are super cute, soft and cuddly! You have to take a look! If not for you for someone else!  Etsy Shop

What's in a name

Its funny how as a girl you talk about names for babies, you name your dolls when your little, and you think that when you will be pregnant you KNOW what you are naming the baby. The problem now is you know someone named Clarice and she wasn't very nice to you, there are 100 Sara's now and don't want to be part of the masses. There are alot of factors that go into choosing names. In one circle of friends i am the last to be having kids. So i know how they have handled the name game. Some couples with held their name not wanting criticism, while others boldly pronounced the name and didn't care what people thought. I have heard people respond interestingly to a name and heard of families offering other suggestions passively saying "that is not a good name".  We are all people of opinions but this is one of those things that you keep to yourself! :) Now that i am older the naming process is different in my mind. I really like to try and use family names. Peo...