
Showing posts from December, 2011

End of 2011

Another year wraps up. I think i will do a top ten. :) Things that made this year a great year! 10. Our DIY queen size bed made by Kimmel! It was fun to watch as Kimmel would light up and get so focused on projects! He found Anna White's site and began building. My fave is our bed ! 9. Watching my niece Eleanor was fun watching her grow,  i hope she remembers me! 8. Baking for Kimmel's co workers cause they are easy to please and He loves it! 7. Reading Hunger Games! Such a great series. Couldn't put it down and in fact i am reading it again! 6. Quitting my job... after 8 great years it was time to close that chapter. 5. Budget changes! (due to last one) Its amazing how you can live on little and how the Lord blesses with resources, thru family, friends with hand me downs or just cutting back. It helps you evaluate what is really important. 4. Photography sessions . Each one is so unique and fun. Some are more challenging than others but i love learning a...

Belly Pictures

I am excited to say we have received our pictures from our belly picture session with our friend Ellie Born. As most of you know i am not a huge prego belly flaunter. And to be honest others creep me out :) These past months have been quiet and experience as i have watched my belly change...amazing miracle that it is...mind blowing...and weird alien like feeling...its been a blessed journey! and my belly button has almost popped strange and beautiful :) When we did engagement pictures with Ellie i told her i liked feet so any fun shots with shoes, feet i will take it. So it was only natural for us to bring along a new lil pair of vans for our lil guy! We wore vans in our wedding and they are just too stinking cute so little i couldn't resist! (see above collage) I love when Kimmel's sweet smile is captured just perfect you can see the twinkle in his eye. Yes the love of Soccer runs deep in our family so we had to capture our lil man with a soccer ball!  I...


We took down decorations today. Sad but true. We were cleaning and putting stuff in the attic so it only made sense since. Kimmel was my hero and lifted all the boxes and cleaned our attic. One project that i have had in my mind is our mantle. Thanks to my mom's christmas gift  -canvas print from our wedding- i was able to complete my design! You can't really tell but i have family wedding pictures on our mantle surrounding ours. My parents, my sister and Kimmel's sister. Found a lovely print from Canton with a scripture that tied it all together.   Song of Solomon 3:4 I found the one my heart loves.   Kind of nice to have it done. But i fear it will be one of those things that never get finished. I will keep adding :) pictures of family and other love things haha 

Can Almost See the Finish Line

Still in shock that its only 8 weeks left. It seems like nothing and yet it feels like it might take forever to get here! Didn't we just tell people we were pregnant? No that was like 7 months ago! This week was the first of my weekly BPP testing, due to a blood disorder i have. I clot easier than others and i have to take daily shots. Due to this we get to have a sonogram each week! I believe the testing is to make sure my blood is still giving him all he needs and not slowing anything down. Kimmel was able to come with me to this first one (yesterday) and the rest are just me and the boy! :) We rearranged the baby room and guest room to make it more suitable. Doing that makes it feel soon! Kimmel's grandmother gave us that sweet lil train coat stand for christmas! The lil man will like to hang his coats and back packs there!  Not sure what to do next but wait. Are we good at that? We shall find out!

Extended Family Getaway..

This past weekend Kimmel's mom's side of the family got together to spend some christmas time together. His grandmother rented out this really sweet quaint cabin near lake Whitney. His uncle's family came in from Houston area which is fun cause we don't get to see them often. Everyone loved on lil Eleanor and all her cuteness. We took a walk down to the lake to check it out. As you can see its not a swimming hole but more of a tree spot. Got this fun picture of kimmel's rock he skipped :) And tried to take a picture of us with the timer... We had fun, exchanged gifts, ate great food and talked and laughed about their lives. Let the holiday's begin!! No more school for Kimmel...2 weeks of rest! :) 

9 weeks!

Can't believe it but at the end of this week we will be at the single digit countdown for our lil man! Friday marks 9 weeks to meeting Lil Male Baby K (as one of our friends called it before we knew for sure haha).  So for you who like to count in weeks, we are 31 weeks along. Which in months is 7, almost 8 months.   Its been a fun journey! I think we are getting really ready for the lil man. Its still so strange to feel him move inside my belly. I like that Kimmel can feel him and talks to him, it just makes it not seem like its all me getting the fun of the lil man now. Watching as my tummy keeps growing i wonder how much further can it stretch! lol  We have been so blessed from friends who have handed down TONS of clothes for a lil guy, it gives us some breathing room to not feel worried about clothes! Its fun walking in kids stores now an looking at clothes to see which stores i might frequent. As of right now Crazy 8 is at the top of my list! Do you have a fav...

Thats so texas..right?

When i moved here from virginia i expected to see a lot more cowboys and horses then i did in the area around Seminary. I was confused. Texas is all cattle and ranch boys right? Like no one lives in suburbs or small plots of land...everyone has their own horse and iron their jeans right? ...Wrong! One of the girls on my hall and i went on a lot of different touristy things our first semester here. Going to a big ranch somewhere east to experience ranch life. Found a couple places to ride horses on land. Often we went to the Stockyards. It was exactly as i pictured it in my mind. lol Love this lil place. Have taken a many of visiting Virginians out here. Done a couple of photo shoots and will be taking my mom there this week as she visits with us. Must get some goodies from the VA grand kids :)  I love the country part of texas and would love to move to some land and have some animals. Just don't like the country music, or pride part of texas. I guess, as Kimmel would...

Gungor - Brother Moon

For Kimmel's Bday last month i got him the new Gungor CD. We loved the first one and i was excited to hear their sophomore offer. We got the actual CD, not a digital copy, so old school, and we popped it in the CD player in his car. At first my ears were like this is so odd and not natural and i was worried he wasn't going to like it. He listened to it non stop for the next couple weeks and proudly played some of his favorites as we went out to date night last week. I am glad he likes it so, and i took his car the other night out to my recital and got to hear the whole cd thanks to all the traffic and it was so lovely! My ears did not respond the same way but received it with out any concerns. They are a wonderfully talented band and i like how they mix things up. One of my favorite songs starts out folky and ends up sounding like Muse. Brilliant! The second song on the cd is probably my most favorite and i am going to share the lyrics with you now. Words and compositio...

Christmas Cookies

Families have traditions. Some have lots of them and some don't think they have any. When you get married you can see what your family has and try to blend it with your better half. Sometimes it blends well, other times its a pain to plan the holidays. Luckily Kimmel and i don't have too big an issue since my family is in VA. This year due to our baby boy we are sticking around Texas for the holidays. Its kind of fun thinking that we can create our own traditions and with the little one next year it will change things. I am a big fan of staying at our house and opening gifts and doing extended family either on the Eve or another day. Our tradition for my mom's side was to do christmas evening dinner with her mom and dad. I think that is brilliant cause after the morning of excitement its fun to see family and share the joy!  The only tradition i have personally is my Molasses cookies that i make from scratch! A friend of mine gave me the recipe and its so fun to do ...