
Showing posts from February, 2012

4 Kimmels

We were so happy when Kimmel's granddad and grandmother came to visit us last week. They live four hours away so it was a treat! Andrew is proud that we have another Kimmel to carry on the name, as am i cause these three men, love god so much and serve him with their whole life! I pray Shepherd follows in their footsteps.  Bob, Mark, Andrew and Shepherd. The four men Kimmels. SO thankful for each of you! 

Poor social connection

So my husband and i are bad at social media connection. We have one facebook account cause he never got on and i just post all the time. We never spend time on it and chat with friends. I try to comment on people who are sweet enough to take time and write on our wall. I don't know why but we just are mediocre at it. I have accounts with Twitter, Path, Google+, facebook and a blog (thank you for reading it!). We are in touch with things just not to the ultimate degree they could be used. I think we prefer talking to people and email. lol So this is my disclaimer, if you don't think we comment enough on your life, its not personal, its just we don't do it. I feel somewhat selfish cause i post all the time and people write on it and i am thankful. Thats why i keep posting. There is about one day a week that i will venture out and read the feed and comment on friends stuff, i just don't think about it i guess. Love you social media friends...don't give up ...

Psalm 92

It is good to praise the lord And make music to Your name, O most High, To proclaim Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night, To the music of the ten stringed lyre And the melody of the harp. For You make me glad by Your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of Your hands. How great are Your works, O Lord, How profound Your thoughts!

Not without Kimmel

These past two and half weeks have been amazingly crazy and awesome all wrapped up in a cute lil boy named Shepherd. We have prayed for a lil addition to our family and felt we were prepared for what God was willing to give. I know one thing now that i couldn't have done any of these last 3 weeks with out kimmel. He has been so amazing and helpful. In ways and places i never knew he would have to do that. With my fluid being low and me in the hospital days before we would take our lil man home, i began to realize that Kimmel was worried and preparing to take care of two people, while i was just worried about the issue. He was by my side and so very encouraging and never once complained. [Kimmel and Shepherd's first finger hold after pulling him out :)] Its interesting to hear friends share their stories about their husbands in the delivery room. How some watch all things possible and others almost faint. Kimmel fell in the middle. We had a c section and i had no clu...

A new normal

It has been two weeks since our family was blessed with our new lil man! It has been a life altering event. There have been ups and downs, tears and laughter. Consistently changing and just when you think you have things figured out he changes them on you. Everyone says it changes your life but you just don't understand it fully 'til it happens to you. We went out as a family for valentines day cause i couldn't leave him with my mom. Shady Oak was Shepherd's first restaurant visit and he slept thru the whole thing.  With each day things start to feel a bit more normal, a new normal. This journey is teaching me loads and i am doing the best i can! We love him and are so thankful for him! 

Winning Season

Kimmel is a middle school coach. Which means he coaches all sports year round. Of course being in texas football is the main one and consumes our worlds in the fall, but he also does basketball, track and cross country. He just finished basketball, coaching B team, with a winning season! My husband who is learning how to coach all these sports is doing a phenomenal job with his boys! They only lost 2 games, and got to play in an A team tournament. Which can be debbie downer when you get trampled by an A team, but they kept their spirits up and just played well. The boys love him and he loves them! One day during practice or athletics Kimmel was shooting around with a handful of guys. They just started making ridiculous shots and betting he couldn't do it. You know like make this one and i will paint my toes, silly stuff like that. Time was ending so Kimmel says "ok boys, if i make this shot all three of you have to wear lipstick to school tomorrow." to which they...