
Showing posts from July, 2012

That can wait...

I was taught, in sunday school i am sure, that God answers three ways: Yes, No and Wait.  For me wait is probably the big one i hear all the time. At least i interpret it to be that cause things don't seem to move on my time line. This lesson is a lifelong one for me i have come to decide....and now with my son i feel wait is what i like to do.  Shower....that can wait til he is snug in bed for the long sleep stretch Food....that can wait til shepherd is content from his meal or sleeping  Potty....that can wait until my bladder pops :)  Fashion style ...that can wait til i don't have spit up on me 24/7 Rereading Hunger Games for the umtenth time...that can wait ....well :)  Living on the land we purchased.....that can wait til we save our goal amount My plan....that can wait on the Lord to give me the next step Some of these i am sure people would say i am crazy for waiting to do...but when i am playing with my son or rocking his tears away ...


If you have not joined the masses on Instagram this wont matter to you. If you haven't check it out today instagram is an awesome app and loads of people are on it. I follow Jimmy Fallon cause he makes me laugh! He doesn't post often but when he does its worth it.  Stickygrams is a companion website that you log on with your Instagram account. Here you can place and order for your pictures onto magnets! I had heard about it a while back, then saw a friend on Instagram do it and love it so i thought i would give it a try!  It is so easy and the results are awesome! I was thinking that this would make great stocking stuffers and gifts for friends and family. You pick out nine pictures and they send them to you in a little less than a week. The company is based in the UK so sometimes it may take more time but i received them quickly. Cost only $15. I think its brilliant! The one thing i hate about digital pictures is you never print them out any more, or you do year...


One of my favorite and most relaxing things to do is swing. I used to go to the park behind 377 and swing there on my lunch break some days when i just needed to have a minute and refresh myself.  It just puts all things right with the world when you swing! Its fun to watch as shepherd learns about the swing. He kinda likes it i think :)  I love his lil feet and how he moves them about :) Its a sweet thing. He is processing the whole event and deciding whether or not he likes it.  I am sure before i blink my eyes he will be running but for now i love watching him take it all in and learn all about this crazy world. 

5 months

Shepherd Karrick is 5 months! Everyday we see him change and add new things that he can do! The latest thing he started doing was grabbing his toes!! His smile is all gums and so sweet we all love it when he flashes it our way! Tickling him gets a great hearty laugh and sometimes a deep sigh cause he just isn't into it. We started eating solids, well pureed food, like apples and sweet potatoes and is doing great! Started crying before nap time now. Which i think is due to his socialness not wanting to leave us and the fun. Hoping that is a phase. So thankful for our lil man and all the joy he brings! Its been fun watching him learn and grow!