Whats in a name...

Names are special. Usually the name u choose for your children has a story tied to it. Sometimes it's family members, other times it characters from books or movies. Both parents must agree. Kimmel and i were easy with Shepherd. We saw that name for another baby a couple years before and put it on our list. Then while watching Manchester United i liked Carrick. We investigated the meaning, Rock. So Kimmel was ok with it, and i changed it to a K cause we both had K initials and i wanted him to match. So there you have Shepherd Karrick Kimmel. All thru high school i was just Susan, then college skeener, due to my email handle and everyone there found my last name fun! I went from boring Susan to fun keener. lol Kimmel had people who didn't believe him when he told him his first name was Andrew! That was his name Kimmel! Sometimes they first name isn't always what you go by. We have friends, the Baloghs, that name their children after couples or families who have speci...