Building on your strenghts
One of my most unfavorite things that people ask is, 'what is your strengths and weaknesses'. Like if i say great things for my strengths and not so great things for weakness i am a good person, have an understanding of myself and just put those negative thoughts about myself in your brain. Not sure how many of us were blessed with a teacher that told your parents that 'your daughter will never get above a C in my class' or not but i was! I mean really that was a great teacher helping me to achieve my potential. All she saw was my weaknesses. She didn't care that she could maybe look at me from a different angle and thing maybe i could help her by doing this, or saying this, or just not putting me in a hole to never do better! My father in law works on staff at NorthWood Church and they recently (well within the last year) took a "Strengths Finder" test. Its on line and you answer a bunch of questions about u and it takes 30 mins to get through the whole...