
Showing posts from April, 2014

Phase 3 for real

Happy to say we have some movement out at 10701 Dyer Rd. After loads of stop and go moments, we are building! Our sweet neighbors are so excited too that they send us photos when anything new happens. So here is a side view of the dirt work before they lay slab... Here is my bay window in the kitchen! :)  Here is the front porch where we will watch all the beautiful sunsets for years to come!  Can't believe its actually started!!


With all the insta posting going on i feel weird posting late. I mean it just happened yesterday but if you don't post while you do it is late. The anual Kimmel/Duke family easter egg hunt. I am a sucker for tradition so we started with the kids on the stoop again so i could take the picture that matches from last year. Our littlest Asher was napping thru the whole thing :) next year we will get him!    Valinda hid the eggs filled with goodies and they had a fun time. Even got in a middle of the hunt squeeze! When we finished Asher woke... So i tried for a picture with all three... It was a good day! Hope you too had a great day with your family! Lets not forget what we celebrated yesterday as we head into our work week! As the great hymn says 'because he lives i can face tomorrow' no matter how good or bad! :) 

Its only begun

Hallmark has figured out which each year of marriage deserves as its gift or name. Like the first year is paper, 25years is silver and 50 years is gold. Wood, ironically, is the fifth year anniversary gift. Ironically for us because all this year we opted out of gifts because we are building our home. So it turns out we are doing exactly what Hallmark suggest. I asked my friend Monica to bring sand from Virginia Beach and the Kimmel's had a friend bring sand from Galveston to make our unity sand special.  I think i still had hopes that maybe one day we would live closer to the ocean but that has totally changed now with our place out in Sanger. Here off a dirt road we will make our home. The sand will find its resting place on our new mantle.  This week they have finally begun to dig up and lay down the pipes and maybe by weeks end we will have the slab laid.  Our forever home is being built. Five years ago we begun the process and now the 'house' part of our h...

Phase three...possibly.

So i am super excited to say we have been approved through the county and we have an address!! 10701  This also means we have permits to build! The lead contractor called to tell me this yesterday! Super cool huh!? Then he says we have to wait a week cause the guy who i guess does the dirt work is booked all next week. SOOOO we took a huge step forward to wait in a different spot! I am ok with that! It was forward. We are so thankful!! He said it took 84 days to get our permits. It must be a record cause he commented on it and said "i am gonna but a fire under all my workers so we can get you in by June. That is my goal" I am ok with that too! As long as he understands how quickly we need this we will all get along just fine!