Hallmark has figured out which each year of marriage deserves as its gift or name. Like the first year is paper, 25years is silver and 50 years is gold. Wood, ironically, is the fifth year anniversary gift. Ironically for us because all this year we opted out of gifts because we are building our home. So it turns out we are doing exactly what Hallmark suggest. I asked my friend Monica to bring sand from Virginia Beach and the Kimmel's had a friend bring sand from Galveston to make our unity sand special. I think i still had hopes that maybe one day we would live closer to the ocean but that has totally changed now with our place out in Sanger. Here off a dirt road we will make our home. The sand will find its resting place on our new mantle. This week they have finally begun to dig up and lay down the pipes and maybe by weeks end we will have the slab laid. Our forever home is being built. Five years ago we begun the process and now the 'house' part of our h...