Sitting in the grass of our back yard after my dad's funeral in September of '89, I remember feeling great comfort and words from God. He said I will be your provider and earthly dad. Psalm 68:5-6a A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families. Years passed. I finished high school and headed off to college in '96. I got involved in a local small church and instantly connected with Karen the pastor's wife. Her husband Rick was the first man I remember being like a father in helping me make decisions, talk through big life questions and just be silly with. This family was so essential in my life. Even part of the reason I headed out to Texas for grad school, at Southwestern Baptist. Big move to Texas alone at 21 was scary. I remember crying in a professors office, first week of school, after he asked me if I was doing ok. It surprised me and him! lol My roommate said she wanted to check out a church the n...