When you want to bring the restaurant home.
Don't know about you but during this last year I have spent a lot time in the kitchen trying to feed my locked inside family. Made great use of Pioneer Woman and Magnolia cook books. Tried different slow cooker meals and even searched online for new ideas. Even had to pull out some of our favorite meals from years back. Doing this I found an old copycat recipe we love! Don't know if you know my tex-mex obsession, but I have one! Could eat it every meal in so many different ways! I digress... One night when making quesadillas I stumbled on Chipotle Corn Salsa copycat recipe. YUM! Back in my single days me and a group of friends would grab lunch after church and it was more often than not Chipotle. I don't know when it happened but when someone suggested I try their corn salsa, but I did and never looked back! Changed my Chipotle life hahah So when we got married and budget reasons meant no more eating out weekly I found this recipe. IT IS SOOOO GOOD!! There is something re...