work and life

So i work at a church in Texas...totally luv my job if you can call it a a youth minister it gets kind of blurry at times...b/c our focus is teens, their culture and what they keeping up with pop culture, hanging out with students, going to their sporting events and theatrical shows and sharing Christ with them is FUN!!! i fell so lucky you know...and like today we went to lunch at one of the high schools and memories just flood back man...i mean i have been out for like 9 years and i can remember the fun we used to have....skipping study hall to hang out in the bathroom with your best friends..sleeping thru government...wondering how physics is really going to be used in your life in the future and thinking how silly all this nonsense is...b/c nonsense it really is....then college is just a big place to grow up but no one does and when you hit "the real world" it doesn't exist...the real world is what is happening in your life whether it is normal, strange or psyco...its yours and its real...what is real we all exist...we all desire something...some understand that something and share it with others...some have no clue and think those who do are crazy...but when it is all said and done will be the only time we can do you choose to live with the void or fill it with what it was created for? the choice is yours...what will it be...
so everyone grap your ethnies and a hoodie and we will take this world on!! :)


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