One great and crazy day!
Saturday was a busy day for us kimmels. We started at 7am to head out to our Home Makeover project our church does. Its the third year now and we have a blast with it. There are four families that get chosen from the school we work with in Haltom City and we come in like the tv show and paint, build and decorate the houses...its fun! It keeps growing and changing for the better. We stayed there til 1 and took some boys from andrew's group back to their homes and we rested for an hour...then headed off to the KHS homecoming game...really good times...but they lost...i won't type that out cause it was really sad :( that ended like 640ish we ran to mcdonalds and back to the school for a play at 8pm. Couple of andrew's boys were in it so it was fun to see them act and show off their talent! Play was 'Noises off!' really great play! Got into bed at 11pm. It was a fun full day! 
