Ellie needing a charge...
So my lil element, affectionately called Ellie, tuckered out on me yesterday. She slowly was not starting well...til she left me in a parking lot with no energy. Thankfully i had finished all of my errands but one. So i called my hubby, he showed up my knight on his trusty silver bullet and he took care of the situation. His dad was very nice to lend us his car for the evening so we could carry on with life.
Today andrew was called and thankfully all that was wrong was a cell in the battery was dead...so we got a new battery. I think Ellie just wanted to ride on the tow truck! She is well taken care of as of today, new battery, new oil, wash and ride on the truck! She is good to go for a while we are hoping!
Do you have a funny car breakdown story?? Would love to hear about it!