What's in a name

Its funny how as a girl you talk about names for babies, you name your dolls when your little, and you think that when you will be pregnant you KNOW what you are naming the baby. The problem now is you know someone named Clarice and she wasn't very nice to you, there are 100 Sara's now and don't want to be part of the masses. There are alot of factors that go into choosing names.

In one circle of friends i am the last to be having kids. So i know how they have handled the name game. Some couples with held their name not wanting criticism, while others boldly pronounced the name and didn't care what people thought. I have heard people respond interestingly to a name and heard of families offering other suggestions passively saying "that is not a good name".  We are all people of opinions but this is one of those things that you keep to yourself! :)

Now that i am older the naming process is different in my mind. I really like to try and use family names. People that mean a lot to us or have passed and we miss. I was named after my great grandmother on my Dad's side...susan elizabeth hanes...so i kind of like family names. I like unique names too but sometimes i think of a name and its not so unique :)

We have at least one name for each gender but middle names are difficult. Its a fun task that is set before us! We have a month or so before we find out the gender so its still a fun name finding game as of now for both genders. I know that when we figure out the name we are gonna love it and i don't care what others think :) but until then it will be locked in our minds.

Have you had a funny response for your baby name?


myitalics.com said…
Names are such fun! Matt and I seemed to agree on boy names, but not girl ones. So that's why God gave us a girl! :)

But once we hit on it, we were both absolutely sure that we wanted to name her Kendall Blake. It could, I know, also be a boy's name. (In fact, for my work shower, a lady bought boy stuff because she had just heard the name!) But I like boys' names for girls.

But you're right, people are so very opinionated about names that you're sure to get some nasty expressions when you tell people his/her name, no matter how old he/she is at the time. :) But that's why he/she is yours and you get to pick something YOU love! Happy name picking! :)
Brian Thompson said…
don't forget the nickname and the initials that stand for things. Have to be careful in all things. Blessings
Anna Tamar said…
It was so easy for us to name Jane. I've liked that name since high school and it was, from the beginning, her name. We have the toughest time coming up with boy names. Atticus took forever to come up with. John finally consented but we have agreed to look at him first to make sure that's his name. :) I like the fact that both my kids have literary names from my favorite books.

We kept Jane's name a secret until about 8 months along but once we agreed about Atticus we shared. It's really fun to watch people respond to Atticus Lee. It's a name you either LOVE or one you really dislike. It's rather amusing to watch people react when they don't like it. (You can always tell). I just don't want my kid to have a boring name. Or a name that's not special because half his friends have it. I think Jane and Atticus wont have that problem. :)

Can't wait to hear the blessed baby's name! So excited for the little Kimmel! :)
Shauna Lynn said…
we were told by one of my mom's friends that 'lily' would never be a senator... she needed to be 'lillian'. we decided we're ok that she doesn't have a future as a senator.

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