This spring break has been a busy one for Kimmel. He had a couple jobs he wanted to accomplish while off from school. First our yard is amazingly all just WEEDS!!! its annoying and he tackled this problem. He started with our two back flower beds and then cleaning out our front one of some unsightly gross green "plants".
Then cutting the grass and putting weed killer and seed on it was the final step to beautifying the outside! I think he slept really well these two nights...that wears a man out!
The other project Kimmel tackled was our faucets in the house. The tacky ones the builders put in just wasnt' cutting it anymore for him. So off to Lowes and Home Depot we go. ( I prefer Lowes and He prefers Home Depot) In the end we got new faucets for our bathrooms, and kitchen and a new light fixture for the bath.
I love home improvements! Even little ones...they make things look pretty and these suckers function so well!! I love the new kitchen one for sure! Wonder what the summer will hold if this was just a week of him being off! lol