2 months

We hit two months today. 8 weeks. thats it. and yet sometimes it feels like so many more weeks. He is a cute little thing :) He is pretty easy going, and average on all baby things. Smiling and cooing has been his latest trick. That and blowing bubbles! He still smells like a baby and cuddles enough to keep me happy. He likes the swing a lot and sleeps with lots of noise from the brothers all around him. I think we'll keep him!

He was telling me he was tired of taking pictures in this picture :) i put him in the swing shortly after i took this and he was out...snoring! 

The boys couldn't stand it anymore they had to sit close and play with him. Asher loves to 'boop' his nose. So we had a minute of 'booping' :) Jack didn't mind it. 


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