
Showing posts from January, 2006


so today i was with my girls and we were going to a prayer garden to spend sometime reading, journalling and praying...and there is this white fense surrounding it right....well we parked and walked around to the entrance and about a quarter of the way in i realized i left my i would not know the time...and we were on a time limit you i think i will hop over the fense...well as i am stepping on the bottom rail i realize it is not wood...and as i swing my leg over i realize its floppy crappy plastic and begin to fall...and straddle the fense...felt so good! NOT! so my right leg has two big scratches on it and i hurt...blah! that is my funny story of the week! stupid is stupid does....


i guess i am only updating this thing like once a month now...i guess the excitement has worn off...or the fact that none of my friends have gotten on this too makes it no why do i read my thoughts...its a new year...its going to be good... so have fun...hug your friends and be kind to your family!