winter x games

Antti Autti did a good job...but i luved Andy Finch's last run!! the air he got and the speed i mean for real!!! but my heart will always love Danny Kass!!! He seems like so fun and crazy to hang with! His cute little girlfriend was there watching it was sweet...i was thinking...i want to be there watching my boyfriend...needless to say it was a good night and i enjoyed the show! poor shaun white got kicked out after a good run...but i mean really Finch was GREAT!!!
GOOD SHOW BOYS!!! oh and if you want to watch a funny video go to :has danny's aspen? videos


Brent said…
NOt many people know this, but I was once a professional snowboarder. I have chosen to keep my identity concealed so I don't get follwed around because of my great skills.

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