
i just wanted to send a shout out to some really great bands...some that get the recognition they deserve and some that get none that deserve more than the my humble opinion!!

**Kings of Convience 311 Anna Nalick
Bob Marley Coldplay Donavan Frankenreiter
DJ Encore Fiona Apple Kylie Monogue
Jimmy Eat world Kutless Jars of Clay
*Mindy Smith Jack Johnson Elephant
Switchfoot Weezer Liz Phair **Lisa Loeb
The Shins Frou Frou Mat Kearney Mariah Carey (:))
Matchbox 20 The Perishers Reliant K
Rooney Ryan Cabrera Snow Patrol Unbound (local)

if you love them too...holla back! if you have some great ones...add!!!


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