you're fired!

so i am not doing so great with my money management would think being in a fulltime job...single person one pet i would be really good and not living pay check to paycheck...but it seems that my eating out and clothes fetish is keeping me from being stable...its like i NEED to go to walmart to purchase some necessaties you know...but i can't b/c i have eaten out too much so instead of using the 10-15 dollars for one meal i could have purchased stuff for a week from walmart to feed me...give a man a fish you feed him for a day teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!

so i offically fire myself from being my financial advisor...although i don't have a replacement i will be doing some drastic least i hope to!


I will manage your money for you. I'm really good at money for some reason. I can't count to 10 but I can tell you how to manage money. I guess that's why I was so good at being a phone banker for Wells Fargo? Or I grew up so poor that I count every nickle and every dime? Or b/c I don't have very much $$ so the little that I do have I have to manage it well. Of course I did spend $70 for dinner for ONE the other night.......nevermind.....I guess I'm not that good with purchases.

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