if the shoe fits!

i luv feet! Posted by Hello

Something you may or maynot know about me is that i luv feet...i luv taking pics of feet...under water...in the sand...as part of the scenery...i luv them...and i guess it b/c i was blessed with decent feet...not to be boastful...but i am not ashamed of mine...make sense...anyway...one time three of my good friends from college and i took a very special picture with our feet ...you see our pastor during college and his wife went and graduated from SWBTS where i just graduated...and all four of us were at SWBTS for like a year and a half together...i came first then one then the other two...but that aside...our pastor and his wife had purchased a brick that went in this new building on campus...so we took a picture of all our our feets...me, amy, her hubby matt, monica, her hubby rob, and alison with her hubby and two twin boys...it is probably the cutes picture of feet i have ever seen and now it sits on our pastors dresser back in good ol farmville va!
every feet has a story...has a special size and fit....so if the shoe fits...WEAR IT i say...wear it well!! :)


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