
ok so you know how i said i was not feeling well...after a week of crap i finally went to the doctor...which i really did not want to because the last time i went he looked at me said "you know there is nothing i can do for you, you have a virus and you just need to take advil and wait it out" then gave me some sample stuff that tasted like grapes it probably was i got frustrated...well this time the PA saw me and she tested my ears and found a ear infection, listened to my chest and told me i had broncitus....and the said you also have sinucitus...YUCK!
So now i am two days into the meds and my ears are clogged even more and i can't stop blowing my thanks for reading this and listening to my rant! i hope it all goes away!
Hopefully you are not sick and enjoying life wherever you are! :)


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