
I am getting the travel bug again...and thankfully i get to fly back home to Va for a short week...for a wedding and then to the BEACH!!! stoked am i!
i was talking with a friend this morning about how if i had the money i would travel like every 2 months somewhere exciting...go to london again you know...but she made the comment yea but would that get old too...b/c we were talking about reading and how we go in spurtz with reading and that its either hot or cold with do we do that with everything in life...i bet if we even think about our jobs we like them for like 2 weeks...then are annoyed by it for about 2 and then begin to like it it that we are always looking for something new? or have ADD...or just are bored...all i know is that i would definitely travel more...i need to mangage money better to do that eh?


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