famous face
so as mentioned in the previous post i went to a concert...Paul Wright...and it was a small thing...so after the show we went up and talked to him...i asked him if he remembered some people that went to university with him in oregon but he didn't and then small talk don't really remember...and said by...and i wonder you know that was like a huge deal for me and like will be remembered for the rest of my life....or at least the next 5 years right? and famous people meet fans all the time...i wonder what makes someone stand out and be remembered...not in a psyco way but a cool way...if that ever happens... so there is a list of people i would like to meet...and i wonder does that encounter count or to meet someone does that mean they have to rememeber you too...and then its qualified as they met you? just a thought...i can't imagine even being remotly famous...known for something....recognized you know...crazy!