tears to fill an ocean

i can't stop crying...i even woke up in the middle of the night just so i could cry some more...i was obedient but i don't understand why...Oh God will you ever show me why?

the tears sit behind my eyes ready to water the world...the pain in my heart makes me not hungry....this loss is huge...and yet i know it was obedience...now i trust you alone God to direct, heal and guide me and him thru all of this...because we don't understand

to your ocean i look and see your grandure...tide controled by the moon...waves big and small all obey for your glory...the sand between my toes reminds me that i am so small in your world...and yet you care intimately and have plans for me...and in time i too will pass away and none of this will be remembered or thought about...but you remain forever! i love you lord but help me love you more.


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