One month until...

It seems really hard to believe that we only have one more month til we get married! Everyone keeps asking if i am stressed out and i am not. I am enjoying the planning and the picking out cool stuff. I have been trying not to be focused only on that one day. Remembering that even though it is a lot to do it still is just one day of our lives together. Its the start of US. So monday night Andrew and i had a fun restful night. We ate at Molly's, a burger place right down the road from my house, then we played our favorite board games, Settlers and Sequence. He ALWAYS beats me in Settlers and I ALWAYS beat him in Sequence.

In one month I will be sharing everything. In one month my best friend will be living with me. (too cliche?) In one month i will have a reason to cook breakfast each morning. In one month i will do two peoples laundry and LOVE IT!!! (if you know me that is totally true!!) In one month i will no longer say my house but our house. (even though i do sometimes now) haha and my favorite thing in one month i will wake up beside someone! (stinky breathe and all!)

I AM EXCITED! Thank you Dad for the gift you are giving me, even if i thought the wait was way to long. It wasn't! Its perfect just like You!


So excited for remind me how awesome it is to be married to MY best friend. :) It's such a blessing and privilege!
Kristen said…
Amen...I love this post! I'm thrilled for you two!
Stephanie said…
Being married is so much fun! Your life really does change like you said, and it's a blast! One more month! Yea!!!

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