
This past friday andrew and i got to serve together in a non youth fashion. Our church as a program that reaches out to special needs children and families. On sunday mornings we have a class just for them. So the families can worship and go to teams. Another great opportunity for families with special needs children is our Revive night. Its a babysitting night to give the parents a date night or a restful night. I was a little hesitant at first cause i just have never been around these great children much and if someone isn't communicating clearly with me i feel out of place and awkward. (a issue i work on) It was a wonderful night....Andrew was with a boy whos bottom half of his legs were gone but totally congnitave and age active. So they 'ran' around and played all night long. Andrew was poopted at the end of the night. I had a little girl about 8 who was a twin and special. She didn't talk much until she got frustrated and wanted me to either peel the back off a sticker for her 'crafty thing' or go to the next level of the video game. She was sweet and easy to follow around, she just didn't talk much or acknowledge that anyone was around.
I share all this cause it highlights a beautiful trait of Andrew. His always giving spirit and love for EVERYONE no matter how God made them. I fear i can tend to be a snob...for protective reasons. So i was stepping out of my comfort zone and it was a wonderful night. Andrew would check on me and encourage me telling me i am doing great with my girl. While he was out of breath and about to take off on ANOTHER loop of the building pulling his boy on the cart thing :)
God designed us perfect! Whether the world calls it that or not! Praise the Lord he looks at the heart cause there are some 'perfect' mean people out there. Praise the Lord he loves them all and wants them all to love HIM. So keep molding me Lord and showing me more of you thru every day beauty and people. Revive my heart to see and share you love!!


Stephanie said…
I got the most amazing wedding invitation in the mail today! I LOVE the invites that you picked out. The picture of you guys was awesome. I can't believe it is only a month away!

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