
So this past wednesday night i got to speak to our middle school students. I am not a well rehearsed public speaker...no one calls on me to do retreats or stuff like that...i am good with that. My personality isn't that of always liking to be up front but more in the back taking care of the other stuff..hahah but i had fun this past week. Dustin asked me tuesday afternoon to speak...and i didn't break out in cold sweat and replied yes. Andrew and i had been reading thru colossians in the mornings and the 3rd chapter just stuck out to me on many differnt ways...so i thought i would teach from that. So i asked some of my close friends how can i make this great! I took their suggestions and put everything into it. It was a blast, the students seem to be listening! haha one of our new coachees and new friend to andrew and i said her girls really got it, the service opened the door and they walked thru a great discussion. PRAISE THE LORD!! so all that to say...it wasn't that bad...not really wanting to take any body's job away..but i would do it again...in 6 months..hahaha


Maddie Nieman said…
i'm gonna have to watch the video of it, i was so bummed that i missed it! you're awesome
Jen McManus said…
I am so glad it went great! And I think you should do it more often. And...And I always have more ideas. :)
Susan you are such a fun person to be around and I am so glad that God blessed you with the confidence and the friends to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone! I wish I could have been there!
Rob said…
That is AWESOME! Good work.

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