Back to School

So its that lovely time of year again when the leaves start to change, a crispness is in the air ...well at least back east that is starting to happen but here in texas its just HOT! Hit 90's yesterday and probably will all week. :( The one thing that is consistent about this time of year through out the states is school starts again! Another year of books and learning. Another year of students playing cool and trying to win the popular vote. Another year of heartaches and fun. Another year of hiding stuff from your parents. Another year to love on students as they struggle between flesh and spirit. I like school and i love students so i am looking forward to it.
Andrew is starting is first year as an official teacher!! :) he is excited as am i! Today all of the teachers from his district are coming to our church for convocation and its all hands on deck. So i am at the church 7am ready to go! hahaahah Its a neat opportunity for our community. Thanks dad for hooking that up!


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