Middle School Assistant Coach

My husband the coach. He is helping out with football right now as the receiving coach. If you know andrew you know he prefers futbol, to football, but he is loving it! Last night was the first night for middle school games. C team played at 5, B team at 6, and A team at 7pm. I teach piano from 5-7 so i was unable to see my man on the sidelines cheering on the C team boys. He taped the A game for the coach and that is what the picture is up top. It was cool to see him so excited and share how it was fun to watch the boys get so excited and happy as they played. I got a chance to see one of our girl students on the 8th grade cheerleading squad as well, which was fun to watch her shine as well.
As we left the game lil boys would look at andrew and say 'see ya coach' just wanting that recognition and love. He knew them and would chat with them. It just impressed on my heart how important his job is as well as the coaching time. He touches these boys life very briefly but can make an impact!!
I think cause i have been working in the church for 5 years now and i have tunnel vision i forgot how great it must be to work out there in the harvest field, hard too i am sure, but to see kids every day that need LOVE. We must not forget!


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