
This weekend is our Students Girls Retreat...called Just bee... I have been totally consumed and excited about it that i have not been able to blog. So i send this short blog to ask for your prayer. My friends Cammi Owens is speaking the 3 main sessions, Sherry, Kari, Christin, Brenda, Sadie are leading breakouts, and worship is being led by Missy and Shelley.
You can lift up any of those names that would be amazing!! :)

Will give update after the retreat...until then pray! :)


I will be praying! Also, I found an awesome background for you on Hot Bliggity has surfboards that are not cheesy! Its my new fave! Love you girl! Wish I could go to the retreat as well, I am in need of some girl time and great worship!
Kyle Nieman said…
Hope you girls have fun! I'll be praying for y'all!

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