Christmas Decorations

I have never been a huge fan of TONS of decorations for the house. I had a miniature tree last year, but this year we didn't get one. We tried but it didn't work. So now the picture above shows the extent of our decorations. Stockings, manger scene and door sign. :) Scrooge? I don't think so its just not a huge deal to us to have everything decked out like its the north pole. That may change in the future, but i don't really think so.
We celebrate with Kimmel's family tomorrow early morning, then the extended family that night and sunday we fly home to Va to hang with my family for a week! Very excited! :) Hope you have great plans for the holiday week too! I look forward to reading about them as we will be away! I will try to remember to post when we are gone...its hard when you don't have your own stuff :)

Merry Christmas! :)


WE don't have a ton of decorations either...but I do love seeing other people's houses done up and everything. :) Billy doesn't like fussing with putting up and taking down is a lot of work sometimes. I mostly just like having the Christmas tree up. Hope you guys have a great trip!
Rob said…
We don't go all out, but we do put a few things. A tree, fake candles in the windows, and we put lights on three cardboard cutouts. They are our charolers.
Girl! I agree with you! We don't overdo the decorations either. When we first got married we had nothing, but recently I heard another one of my friends (a newlywed) mention that she doesn't have any ornaments on the tree and her husband responded, "you can't just go and buy ornaments or decorations, they have to mean something!" I thought that was great because as I look at our house and our decorations, it reminds me of the amazing blessing that I have in a family, what a blessing and a great reminder of the precious gift of Jesus Christ!

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