Muslim, Jewish Weekend

This past weekend our church had a Multi Faith weekend. Where congregations from a Jewish Synagogue, Muslim Mosque and Baptist church took turns visiting the others 'service of worship'. Our pastor has been given some amazing friends through out the years that only God could give that has affected his heart to teach us to love and respect others, and try to understand them.

Andrew and I didn't make the Jewish service on friday, the time was just difficult for us. We were able to make it to the Mosque on saturday. The people were so warm and welcoming. They greeted you and gave you a small tour, then led you to the food! YUM! i love experiencing other just makes God seem so huge! I love hearing others pray in another language too.

These are three distinct religions with very different views. But i know that God loves each of us, and as we all seek HIM he shows us the truth! He revels himself to those seeking HIM. Thank you Lord! There was q&a after every service. Good questions were asked and answered. The men from each of the congregations are very easy going, passionate and loving. Its hard to know what you take away from a weekend like this. I am glad we did it and i look forward to visiting or working with them in the future.


Stephanie said…
That sounds so neat. I would have loved to attended something like that. I think it's pretty awesome that your church does things like that!

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