Weekend with mom :)

So thursday night i picked up Mom from the airport. We stopped off and watched Andrew coach his lil team of 6 year olds for a bit then headed home to cook dinner. We mostly hung out and didn't do much of anything. It was nice. We woke up 'late' on saturday cooked breakfast, then after loafing around headed to the mall to grab lunch and shop a bit. Mom likes to buy us some things cause she isn't around much to get us stuff thru the year, so we found some great deals and got a few fun things! We took advantage of the free pretzels' from Auntie Anne's to top of the afternoon! Headed out to a local church to hear a sermon with Cowboy player, Whitten that ended up being a video interview...but he is Andrew's fave so we too a chance....then headed to our church to open doors for the lil peeps to view the new Veggie Tales movie....dinner back home and Dessert with the in laws! Its fun having both parents together...we all get along and its nice!
Even though sunday is our busiest day of the week it seems she stuck it thru, and i dropped her off for her evening flight.
Thanks mom for coming, it was a fun relaxing weekend. We loved having you here!
(no pictures, cause who wants to see us sitting on the couch, eating, or in the mall....just imagine it hahaha )



Maddie Nieman said…
Glad you had fun with your mom! Moms are the best, especially when they drive out your Spanish folder like my mom did tonight haha. They are the best!
Stephanie said…
Nothing like a good visit from your Mom! No matter how old you are! Glad you guys had a good time, and I am so thankful that both of your families are so close. Very special! :)
Glad you got to have a visit with your mom! :)

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