Spring Break

So spring break started for our students on friday! Andrew got half day with the students and the rest was a big meeting. We hung out with his parents and kyle on friday and saturday after noon i took some girls ice skating, which was a nice preparation for me since we are leaving today to go to Hideaway CO!! :)
We are going with our friends The Jones's. They are letting us tagalong on their free cabin stay out in the hills of colorado. Andrew and i gonna try and get two days of skiing in...we are excited. We celebrated both Mr. Jones and Lil Jones's birthdays yesterday with all their families. Mrs. Jones's family is my texas family so it was SO nice to be with them again!
My blog will be a little light this week...but i shall fill you in all after with some great pic hopefully and video...hopefully not of me falling :)

Have a super spring break!!!


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