lawn boy

While andrew an i were dating, he used to come and cut my grass for me. Its a small yard but he wanted to 'take care' of me in that way, it was sweet! :) One day my neighbor was telling me something about her yard or something and said 'I saw your lawn boy the other day....' i really don't remember the rest of what she said cause that was so funny to me! Lawn Boy! The truth is he loves working in the yard and i get the benefit, cause i am not really sure about anything in that area.

Yesterday while i was away he fixed our front yard. Everything he had planted last season passed except the monkey grass in the front. I wanted to share it with you cause he does a great job! And he put two shrubs in for me even though he doesn't like them! :)


Stephanie said…
That is funny about the "lawn boy". I have one of those too! It's nice to have husbands that like doing yardwork! :)
Rob said…
Is your lawn boy for hire? I stink at taking care of our lawn. I mow it but that's about it.

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