pretty pony

Andrew and i are in the process of purchasing a house. Due to this i am packing and unpacking, going thru boxes of life. I found this toy my mom had saved for me, My Pretty Pony. A bigger Pony from my lil pony company. It is kind of raggedy and obviously old but i don't want to get rid of it. Will our children ever play with it? you might ask...I am thinking no. The ears are gone that used to move, and the hair is just nasty. So why don't i get rid of it?? Cause it was mine when i was little, and my mom has instilled this nasty thing called pack rat sentimentality, and i can't get rid of it. (sometimes sin feels that way)

So all that to say i am struggling with the packing and unpacking and the throwing away...its my life that he is asking me to sort and throw away...but if my life ended none of this junk would be fun for would be a burden!

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT already i will get rid of it :)


Kyle Nieman said…
I actually used a simliar illustration in my sermon a couple weeks ago. We cleaned out our garage and I was having to throw away things that were my life as a child. But like you said, sin is that we, we need to toss stuff out so we can be the new creation God wants us to be.

Thanks for the extra encouragement!
Good illustration! My mom is a lot like that...she hates to throw things away. I throw too much stuff away. haha.
Rob said…
Some things you just need to hold on to though. I like to collect things and I still have a handful of toys I grew up with.

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