
Sometimes i feel like an actual life situations explains how you feel about your reality. We purchased a refurbished canon for me to start playing with :) and it is due tomorrow. I arrived home to a sticker on my front door saying that the FeEx person had come by to deliver 'the package' and my signature is necessary for it to be left, so they shall try again tomorrow. -no time mentioned-

Reality sometimes feels like you know you ordered, want, desire how ever you want to put it, something, someone, some object. For some reason unknown to you, you missed it. Or so that is what 'they' say. You rack your brain as to what is wrong with you, what did i do wrong and how could i have not thought to prepare for this. You respond.

This is not really about anything in my life...just reality, whether its a red light your sitting at putting you 3 mins more later than you already were or the line at the grocery store you picked is uber slow....or quite the opposite its super fast and you are disheveled and unpreparedly shocked at the nice surprise.

not really sure if i have a point...just a thought typed out. But it does make me thankful that God knows why you missed the package, caught the red light or pass thru quickly. He knows, and in that we take solace.

I love the book of Joshua for many reasons. We all know the God has great plans for you verse. But God has used the first chapter of Joshua several times for me and i am drawn by the encouragement that GOD gave to Joshua after his leader passed.

Be Strong and Courageous! He tells him. No one will be able to stand against you! As I was with Moses I will be with you! Be strong and Courageous. Do not be terrified! Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you WHEREVER you go!

I am thankful that i can saw 'as God was with Joshua HE will be with me'! While i walk in his path and as he guides me. I NEVER miss a delivery!


Bryant Family said…
You bought a canon? To play with? Now I think I am glad you moved out of the neighborhood...

Rob said…
Like a legit canon or the company that makes cameras?
Erica Wheat said…
Susan! Of course I remember you! Congrats to you and Andrew and blessings to your Marriage! We are still new to the blogging world, but I love how we are able to keep our family and friends up to date with the ongoings of our small family. :) I am excited that you found me on here, I look forward to keeping up on your sweet family too! :)

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