How to train your dragon

One of the best films this year has to be "how to train your dragon"! It is based on a book and has such a great story! My husband was so sweet to remind me "go get your movie today it comes out on DVD" So last thursday or friday i purchased the movie from Walmart! This is huge for me cause i hate paying more that 10 for a DVD or was only 16! If you have not seen this movie you must rent it! If you have kids this is a must movie for them too! I would tell you all about the story, but i want you to enjoy every moment of the story! With the voices of Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, Jonah Hill and Jay Baruchel, its a must see!


barker120 said…
That movie was amazing i bought it the day it came out. My parents both grew up on the east coast but moved to the west, and that is where i grew up. I have always wanted to live on the west coast though. In your professional east coast opinion where is the best place to live there? I just started my blog but if you want some help getting some views visit my blog
Erica Wheat said…

We literally just rented this movie two nights ago and we LOVED it! My husband and I were like definitely a "Need" to own movie! So good! And such a sweet story line! So excited that you got to bring it home, it is definitely one to watch over and over! :)

Erica :)

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