
Went to a pumpkin patch with a family to take pictures the other day. It was windy and we had loads of fun! Saw this scarecrow and thought he was cute with his lil face and hat. Then i saw that he had a name tag letting you know his name is Earl. Nice to meet you earl. :)

The function of a scarecrow is to scare birds or crows from eating the plants in the field. It is scaring off the enemies of the field. While i was editing the pictures i was thinking, scarecrows and how metaphorically speaking i need to have scarecrows or traps for my enemies in my thought life, cause if i don't i can go down a sad and destructive thought path way. Especially lately for me in the promise of children and lack there of, work, and friends (how to be a better one, missing some, making new ones, letting go of some i thought would be). I am struggling with these and needing to pray pray pray about it. Thankful that Jesus never tires from hearing my heart and pain.

One verse that reminds me to set scarecrows that i have used for years is 2 Corinthians 10:5 take every thought captive into the obedience of Christ! That means i need to be aware that there are enemies, what are they? Be on guard! This verse means whatever i think i need to say 'hey you, does Jesus agree with you?' if not Get out oF HERE! :) Put some truth in its place, like God is faithful and true and never leaves me! Great stuff like that!


Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing...I definitely needed to hear this today.

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