wedding weekend #1 for the fall!

Kimmel went to Va with me this past weekend to be there for my friend from first grade Amber's wedding! We had a blast and she was beautiful. Time with my family was enjoyed a bit too. I took my camera to take pics at the rehearsal and just play around with it and Kimmel took pics during the ceremony! He is so sweet! we are so i am excited to give them to her.

It was fun to see people i hadn't seen for a decade! Its crazy to think how fast time passes and you loose touch with people you saw every day for 6 plus years. Everyone was fun and polite, it was a nice weekend!


Glad you had a good weekend! We had a wedding weekend too, Anna got married. Speaking of time flying! :)
Prem Saisha said…
Hi there!
New follower..
Hope you stop by too.. ;)

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