new voice

Today the memories begin. Today our house gets a new voice inside. I am watching my lil niece who is 6 weeks old from now til the end of school. I am a lucky girl! She i so cute and sweet. Her lil voice is fun to listen to and conversate with. I hope she remembers so of the fun times we will share.

Had a dream last night that i was driving her and she GOT OUT OF THE CAR SEAT and a friend in the back was trying to secure her but she wasn't having it at all. I was like so worried and i shouted..."Paige (baby's mom) is in the car behind us she can see that i suck!" and the battle ensued of us trying to get her back in the seat...not sure if we did or not i just woke up.

After picking her up and making it safe back home, kimmel was here to unpack her :) He got a sweet kiss and was off to work. I am thankful for my friends who have loaned me baby things, like an awesome swing and a baby bijorn.. I have already called my sister to get to encouragement cause i am new to this and she has 4! Its gonna be fun!


Stephanie said…
You are going to be wonderful! She is going to love having you kiss on her all day long! What a lucky little niece to have such a sweet aunt!
How fun! I know you'll do a great job.

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