Brag on kimmel day!


So this past week we found a queen mattress on sale to go into our guest bedroom. Mom and i picked it up in Kimmel's old truck and the inspiration began! Kimmel's creative building juices began to flow, and before i knew it he was gone to home depot, cut and nailing things together and we had a new AWESOME bed!

Monday morning he emailed me to ask me to give him the measurements of the mattress, so did and emailed them back to him. When he got home i was still teaching piano. He says i am going to home depot be right back...i am like dinner is on and how long will you be? He gets back a lil after 7 by 11 that night the frame is in the room and just the head board slats are left! Tuesday evening he cut all the slats for the top and bottom and we nailed them on. All that is left is what color????

He designed this all by himself! He wanted something simple and awesome looking! He did it! SO PROUD! :) Its fun doing all these different projects together, and watching him take off with his own. Looking forward to the next thing!


Rob said…
He's a stud. That's good stuff that I could never do.
Stephanie said…
He is so good! Reminds me of Granddad Bob! :)

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