Family Reunion

So this weekend Kimmel and i headed out to lake whitney for his family reunion. Its a full weekend of fun with many generations and sweet people. The first time i went with him was about 3 years ago i believe, kimmel and i were only dating, and we only went up for the saturday afternoon. This time we spent the night and time with extended family we only see at christmas. It was also nice to put faces with names of family that gave us gifts from the wedding, i hope i wrote the thank you notes! :)

It was a very relaxing time we walked by the lake a couple times, but no one fished or swam cause it was really low!  We partook of Kimmel's favorite pass time...Napping! We got to nap with our lil niece while her parents went to the dock. Being the photo lover i was really bummed i didn't bring my camera so i used my phone and only got this one above. Oh well, next year!
We are thankful we got to go this year and look forward to next year.


Sounds like a relaxing trip!
Shauna Lynn said…
it was so fun to get to talk to you guys! sad that i didn't get my camera out even once.

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