Summer is..

Well i just realized that even though the weather is not saying it but summer is heading out. The "summer" of no work and vacation. Well it is life continuing on. Thankfully Kimmel received his job back at the Middle school, so he as been doing coaching stuff during the mornings and afternoons. I will start watching my niece again next week and then start teaching piano at the end of this month. I just feel sad that even though our summer didn't happen they way planned...its now gone. haha

5 Things I love about summer:
1. The Beach (really is year round but always my favorite)
2. The Pool and getting a tan
3. Mental break from some responsibilities.
4. Family Vacation/Travel
5. Movie Matinees

With these last few weeks left of summer i hope you get to enjoy the time foot loose and fancy free with your family and friends before we are back in the FALL grind of life.

What are some things you love about summer?


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