Can Almost See the Finish Line

Still in shock that its only 8 weeks left. It seems like nothing and yet it feels like it might take forever to get here! Didn't we just tell people we were pregnant? No that was like 7 months ago!

This week was the first of my weekly BPP testing, due to a blood disorder i have. I clot easier than others and i have to take daily shots. Due to this we get to have a sonogram each week! I believe the testing is to make sure my blood is still giving him all he needs and not slowing anything down. Kimmel was able to come with me to this first one (yesterday) and the rest are just me and the boy! :)

We rearranged the baby room and guest room to make it more suitable. Doing that makes it feel soon! Kimmel's grandmother gave us that sweet lil train coat stand for christmas! The lil man will like to hang his coats and back packs there! 

Not sure what to do next but wait. Are we good at that? We shall find out!


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