End of 2011

Another year wraps up. I think i will do a top ten. :) Things that made this year a great year!

10. Our DIY queen size bed made by Kimmel! It was fun to watch as Kimmel would light up and get so focused on projects! He found Anna White's site and began building. My fave is our bed!

9. Watching my niece Eleanor ..it was fun watching her grow,  i hope she remembers me!

8. Baking for Kimmel's co workers cause they are easy to please and He loves it!

7. Reading Hunger Games! Such a great series. Couldn't put it down and in fact i am reading it again!

6. Quitting my job... after 8 great years it was time to close that chapter.

5. Budget changes! (due to last one) Its amazing how you can live on little and how the Lord blesses with resources, thru family, friends with hand me downs or just cutting back. It helps you evaluate what is really important.

4. Photography sessions. Each one is so unique and fun. Some are more challenging than others but i love learning about how to work with the equipment and the people! Thank you to all of you who trusted me to take pictures of you and your family!

3. Had the privilege to Baptize my mom. She has been a believer for most her life and felt God leading her to be baptized and i was honored when she asked me to. She is a great mom and i was happy to!

2. Kimmel got his job back after the KISD layoffs at the end of last school year. It was a lesson of trust in husband and God. Both are worthy!

1. Starting the journey with our lil man! need i say more!

What was your top thing of this year? Take some time and think about your year and look to see where God worked with you and your family. Sometimes we are surprised to see what he did!

Happy New Year...Here is to 2012!


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