Gungor - Brother Moon

For Kimmel's Bday last month i got him the new Gungor CD. We loved the first one and i was excited to hear their sophomore offer. We got the actual CD, not a digital copy, so old school, and we popped it in the CD player in his car. At first my ears were like this is so odd and not natural and i was worried he wasn't going to like it. He listened to it non stop for the next couple weeks and proudly played some of his favorites as we went out to date night last week.

I am glad he likes it so, and i took his car the other night out to my recital and got to hear the whole cd thanks to all the traffic and it was so lovely! My ears did not respond the same way but received it with out any concerns. They are a wonderfully talented band and i like how they mix things up. One of my favorite songs starts out folky and ends up sounding like Muse. Brilliant!

The second song on the cd is probably my most favorite and i am going to share the lyrics with you now. Words and composition is beautiful to my soul!  You should check them out!

Brother Moon

Brother Moon, shine down your light on us tonight
Show us the love of God
Sister Sun, you bring out the day
You shine in the light of God on your face today
Maker of it all
You provide it all

In You we live
In You we move
In You we have our being
You're glorious
You're holding us
Together, all together

Brother Wind, your clouds and your storms
You breathe in the breath of God in your lungs for us
Brother Earth, you're giving us life
With God's open hands you always provide for us
Maker of it all
You provide it all

In You we live
In You we move
In You we have our being
You're glorious
You're holding us
Together, all together

You are everything good
You are everything beautiful
You are everything, you're everything


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